Dental Group Jo

Dr. Manal Mahmoud El-Azzeh

★ Date of birth: 3/4/1975
★ Nationality: Jordanian
★ Marital status: Married
★ Present position: Private clinic
★ Specialization: Periodontology
★ Languages: Arabic and English
★ Phone number: 00962799755007
★ Email:


★ Jordanian Board in Periodontology, March, 2005.
★ MSc in Periodontology and Implant field from the Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jan, 2005 Thesis title: Risk indicators of aggressive periodontitis
★ BDS Bachelor degree in Dentistry from University of Jordan, June, 1997.


  • Part time lecturer in Jordan University of Science and Technology.
  • More than 26 years experience in general Dentistry in my private clinic.
  • 18 years experience as periodontist and implantologist in my private clinic.
  • National and international speaker in many dental conferences, symposiums and scientific days in the fields of periodontology, implantology and laser dentistry.
Memberships and Fellowships:
  • Member in the Jordanian Dental Association.
  • Member in the Jordanian Group of Dental Implantology.
  • Associate fellowship in the World Clinical Laser Institute.
  • Associate fellowship in the World Federation of Laser Dentistry.
  • Member in the Jordanian Society of Periodontology.
Participations as a speaker in conferences, symposiums and scientific days:
  1. A speaker in The 26th Jordanian Dental Conference in 2023
  2. A speaker in The 25th Jordanian Dental Conference in 2017
  3. A speaker in The World Federation of Laser Dentistry- 1st European Division (WFLD-1stED) in Nice, France in April-2007
  4. A speaker in The 35th conference of the Arab Dental Federation in Sudan, Khartoum in Feb, 2005 as a lecturer
  5. The 24th Jordanian Dental Conference in Oct, 2014
  6. The 4th CAD/CAM conference in Dubai in May 2010
  7. World Clinical Laser Institute (WCLI), the European Symposium, 2005, Istanbul-Turkey on YSGG lasers and Diode lasers
  8. The 2nd implant training course of the Jordanian dental implant group in Amman-Jordan in April-2006 as a lecturer (Title of lecture: Basic laser principles and its applications in implant dentistry).
  9. The 21st Jordanian Dental Conference in March, 2008 as a lecturer (Title of lecture: Esthetic considerations around dental implants. Reasons of un-esthetic peri-implant mucosal appearance, prevention and surgical treatments)
  10. The 20th Jordanian Dental Conference in May, 2006 as a lecturer (Title of lecture: Treatment of gingival hyperpigmentation for esthetic purposes by lasers)
  11. The 19th Jordanian Dental Conference in September, 2003.
  12. The Scientific days in Aqaba-Jordan in March-2006, in Irbid-Jordan in April-2006, in Mafraq-Jordan in February-2007 and in Dead Sea-Jordan in February 2007 as a lecturer .
  13. The 4th Scientific days in the Jordan University of Science and Technology, July, 2006 as lecturer
Dental Courses
  • I’m a dental laser trainer in Jordan, with more than 10 laser training courses, in 2020, 2021 and 2023.
  • I gave Implantology training courses + lectures in Sudan in Oct-2002, Feb-2004, July-2004 and Jan-2005.
  • I gave Implantology training courses + lectures in Jordan in July-2005, Oct-2005, Jan-2006, 2008, 2010, 2012.


I got the following courses:

  • Oral implantology training course, ORALTRONICS system (May, 1997)
  • Oral implantology training course, Friadent system by Dr. John Dobbeleir (July, 2002)
  • Oral implantology training course, ORALTRONICS system (April, 2003)
  • Oral implantology training course, DYNA system (Feb, 2004) in Sudan and in (March, 2004)
  • Training course of Dental LASERS in Syria (May, 2004)
  • Oral implantology training course, SKY system by Dr. Rabih Nahas (November, 2005)
  • Endodontic course on rotary Protaper files by Prof. Roger Rebeiz in Jordan (June, 2005)
  • Endodontic course “The clinical approach of root canal retreatment from A to Z” by Prof. Roger Rebeiz in Jordan (May, 2006)
Published Papers
  1. Azzeh M. Er,Cr:YSGG laser – assisted surgical treatment of peri-implantitis with one year re-entry and 18 months follow-up: A case report. J Periodontol 2008;79:2000-2005
  2. Azzeh M. Treatment of gingival hyperpigmentation by Er:YAG laser for esthetic purposes. J Periodontol 2007;78:177-184.
  3. Ababneh KT, Azzeh MM, Taani D. Risk indicators of aggressive periodontitis in a Jordanian population. Perio 2006;3(4):281-293.
  4. Azzeh M. Gingivectomy- gingivoplasty in the anterior esthetic area by Er:YAG laser: A report of 2 cases with four months follow-up. Accepted for publication in the Jordan Dental Journal
  5. The Jordanian Dental Journal (the journal of the Jordanian Dental Association), in 2004 (Title: Uses of Lasers in dentistry)
  6. The Journal of the Arab Dental Federation, in Sudan, in 2005 (Title: Types and uses of bone grafts in periodontology).
  7. The Jordanian Dental Journal in 2006 (Title: The removal of gingival hyperpigmentations by lasers).